Can someone tell me the lyrics for "That Lucky Old Sun" by Gillespie and Smith? Need to identify main idea of the song with supporting details using specific examples from the song.

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To find the lyrics for the song "That Lucky Old Sun" by Gillespie and Smith, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your device.
2. Go to a search engine, like Google.
3. In the search bar, type "'That Lucky Old Sun' lyrics by Gillespie and Smith".
4. Hit the "Enter" key or click on the search button.

The search results should display various websites that provide the lyrics for the song. Choose a reliable source, like a reputable lyrics website or the official artist's website, to find the accurate lyrics for "That Lucky Old Sun."

Once you have the lyrics, you can analyze them to identify the main idea of the song and its supporting details using specific examples. The main idea is the central theme or message that the song conveys, while supporting details are the specific examples or lines from the lyrics that reinforce the main idea.

Read through the lyrics carefully, paying attention to recurring themes, emotions, or concepts expressed. Look for lines that provide specific examples or explanations related to the main idea. You can also consider the tone, imagery, and overall message of the song to help identify the main idea.

Remember, the main idea and supporting details may vary based on individual interpretations. Hence, it's important to analyze the lyrics and form your own understanding while providing specific examples from the song to support your interpretation.