An Internet service provider has three different subscription packages

for its customers:
Package A: For $9.95 per month 10 hours of access are provided.
Additional hours are $2.00 per hour.
Package B: For $13.95 per month 20 hours of access are provided.
Additional hours are $1.00 per hour.
Package C: For $19.95 per month unlimited access is provided.
Write a program that calculates a customer's monthly bill. It should ask
the user to enter the letter of the package the customer has purchased
(A, B, or C) and the number of hours that were used. It should then
display the total charges.

What specific part are you having trouble with? The packages? File I/O? What language?


x=input package name, x=1 for A, etc.
n=input number of hours
if x=1 then
else if x=2 then
else if x=3 then
print "incorrect package"
print x, n, cost


Can i get code ?

To write a program that calculates a customer's monthly bill based on the package they have purchased and the number of hours used, you can use a conditional statement (if-elif-else) to determine the package type and calculate the charges accordingly.

Here's an example of how you can write the program in Python:

# Prompting the user for package and hours
package = input("Enter the package (A, B, or C): ")
hours = int(input("Enter the number of hours used: "))

# Initializing variables for prices
package_a_price = 9.95
package_b_price = 13.95
package_c_price = 19.95

# Calculating charges based on the package type
if package == "A":
if hours <= 10:
total_charges = package_a_price
additional_hours = hours - 10
total_charges = package_a_price + (additional_hours * 2)
elif package == "B":
if hours <= 20:
total_charges = package_b_price
additional_hours = hours - 20
total_charges = package_b_price + (additional_hours * 1)
elif package == "C":
total_charges = package_c_price
print("Invalid package entered. Please choose from A, B, or C.")

# Displaying the total charges
print("Total charges:", total_charges)


1. The program prompts the user to enter the package type (A, B, or C) and the number of hours used.
2. The `if` statement checks the package type entered by the user and proceeds accordingly.
3. If the package is "A", it checks if the hours used are within the 10-hour limit or exceeded. Based on that, it calculates the total charges by adding the fixed package price with additional hour charges.
4. Similarly, the same process is followed for packages "B" and "C".
5. If an invalid package is entered, the program displays an error message and exits.
6. Finally, the program displays the total charges to the user.

You can run this code and test it by entering the required inputs to get the monthly bill based on the package and hours used.