In which of theses lines is the meaning of the word "gratitude" best expressed?

A. Why its old Fezziwig! Bless his heart; it's Fezziwig alive again!

B. The happiness he gave is quite as great as if it cost him a fortune.

C. Feeziwig had the power to make us happy or unhappy...

D. Yo ho, my boys. No more work tonight.

(I think B)

I agree.

To determine which of the lines best expresses the meaning of the word "gratitude," we need to understand the context and implications of the lines. Let's go through each option.

A. "Why its old Fezziwig! Bless his heart; it's Fezziwig alive again!" - This line expresses joy and excitement at seeing Fezziwig, but it does not directly convey gratitude.

B. "The happiness he gave is quite as great as if it cost him a fortune." - This line suggests that someone has provided happiness to others, despite not having to spend a lot of money. It implies gratitude towards the person who provided the happiness.

C. "Feeziwig had the power to make us happy or unhappy..." - While this line mentions Fezziwig's ability to influence emotions, it does not explicitly express gratitude.

D. "Yo ho, my boys. No more work tonight." - This line is unrelated to gratitude and focuses on ceasing work for the night.

Based on the analysis, option B indeed best expresses the meaning of gratitude, as it directly mentions the happiness someone brought without needing significant financial resources.