A small plane takes off from island A and flies in a straight line for 12 kilometers. At the same time, a sailor sitting in a sailboat who is 5 miles from the island measures the angled by from island A to the sailboat and the plane is 37 degrees. How far is the plane from island B? Please draw and label the situation if possible.

You have seriously garbled the question.

It looks like a straightforward law of cosines problem. The distance d is found using

d^2 = 12^2+5^2 - 2*12*5 cos37°

To solve this problem, we can use trigonometry. Let's label the points in the situation as shown below:


Here, A represents the starting point (island A), B represents the destination point (island B), P represents the position of the plane, and S represents the position of the sailboat.

Given that the sailboat is 5 miles away from island A and the angle between the line of sight from island A to the sailboat and the plane is 37 degrees, we need to find the distance of the plane from island B.

To do this, we can use the tangent function. The tangent of an angle is defined as the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side. In this case, the opposite side is the distance between the sailboat and the plane (PS), and the adjacent side is the distance between the plane and island B (PB).

Using the formula tangent(angle) = opposite/adjacent, we can write the equation as follows:

tangent(37 degrees) = PS/PB

Now we can rearrange the equation to solve for PB:

PB = PS / tangent(37 degrees)

We are given that the sailboat is 5 miles from island A, so PS = 5 miles. Now we can substitute the values into the equation:

PB = 5 miles / tangent(37 degrees)

Calculating the tangent of 37 degrees (approximately 0.7536):

PB = 5 miles / 0.7536

PB ≈ 6.64 miles

So, the distance of the plane from island B is approximately 6.64 miles.