I'm looking at a protein in a 3D visualization program (PyMol). I have the full amino acid sequence list.

How do I determine *where* there are hydrophobic interactions that are stabilizing the tertiary structure? I know what hydrophobic interactions are in general, and I can look up the hydropathy indices for all the residues, but how can I visually detect or calculate which specific residues are exhibiting hydrophobic interactions that are stabilizing the overall tertiary structure?

Same question for hydrogen bonding and ionic interactions.

Please, I'm really stumped on this. Any help is greatly appreciated.


To determine the specific residues that are exhibiting hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonding, or ionic interactions in the tertiary structure of a protein, you can use PyMOL's tools and functionalities. Here's how you can approach each interaction type:

1. Hydrophobic Interactions:
Hydrophobic interactions occur between nonpolar amino acid side chains in a protein. To visually detect potential hydrophobic interactions, you can use PyMOL's surface representation along with a hydrophobicity color scheme. For example, you can color the protein surface based on the hydrophobicity scale, such as the Kyte-Doolittle scale or the Eisenberg scale. This will highlight the hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions of the protein.

To do this in PyMOL, follow these steps:
a) Load your protein structure in PyMOL.
b) Select the surface representation from the "Display" panel or by using the command "show surface".
c) Go to the "Color" tab and choose a hydrophobicity color scheme, such as "Kyte-Doolittle" or "Eisenberg".
d) Adjust the color scale as needed for better visualization.
e) Observe the protein surface and identify regions where the hydrophobic residues are clustered together, indicating potential hydrophobic interactions and stabilizing the tertiary structure.

2. Hydrogen Bonding:
Hydrogen bonding occurs between the hydrogen atom of one residue and the electronegative atom (nitrogen or oxygen) of another residue. While PyMOL does not have a direct feature to detect hydrogen bonds, you can use its "Find" functionality to identify potential hydrogen bonding residues.

To do this in PyMOL, follow these steps:
a) Load your protein structure in PyMOL.
b) Go to the "Find" panel or use the command "find".
c) In the search box, type "acceptor" to find potential hydrogen bond acceptor residues.
d) Repeat step C but with "donor" to find potential hydrogen bond donor residues.
e) Observe the positions of donor and acceptor residues, and look for potential bonding pairs, indicated by close proximity between them.

3. Ionic Interactions:
Ionic interactions occur between positively and negatively charged amino acid side chains. PyMOL has a built-in feature called "distance" that allows you to measure the distance between two residues. You can use this feature to calculate the distances between positively charged (e.g., lysine, arginine) and negatively charged (e.g., aspartate, glutamate) residues to identify potential ionic interactions.

To do this in PyMOL, follow these steps:
a) Load your protein structure in PyMOL.
b) Use the "label" command to label the positively charged residues with their residue numbers.
c) Use the "distance" command followed by the atom selections for a positively charged residue and a negatively charged residue to calculate the distance between them.
For example: distance dist1, (resi 123 and name NE), (resi 456 and name OD1)
d) Repeat step C for other positively and negatively charged pairs of interest.
e) Look for distances below a certain threshold (e.g., 4 Å) to identify potential ionic interactions.

By following these steps, you should be able to visually detect or calculate which specific residues are exhibiting hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonding, or ionic interactions that stabilize the tertiary structure of the protein in PyMOL.