Please help me figure out how to solve this problem I have researched and racked my brain and still no luck.I don't think there is enough information givin.


In 1054, Chinese astronomers observed the light from a supernova in the night sky. This supernova was the incredibly powerful origin of what is now the Crab Nebula.

Using the velocity of light, devise and execute a strategy for finding out when the supernova actually occurred, relative to when the Chinese astronomers saw the explosion.
I. Understand the Problem

(a) Read the problem statement carefully to be sure you understand what problem you are being asked to solve. Identify the pertinent pieces of information.


II. Devise a Plan

(b) What are some possible strategies for solving this problem?


(c) Of the strategies that you listed in step (b), discuss the advantages/disadvantages of each.


(d) What additional information, if any, is necessary to solve the problem?


(e) If you listed any items in step (d), identify some possible sources for finding this information.


(f) To use the algebraic relationship described in the first strategy, you must first express it using variables. Rewrite the algebraic relationship,

Distance = Rate Time


(g) Although you can use any variable to represent a physical quantity, some variables are better than others. Why do you think that this is the case?


(h) Use the equation you wrote in step (f) to solve for the variable that represents the rate.


(i) Use your equation to solve for the variable that you used to represent time.


(j) Which strategy do you think is best for finding a solution to this problem? Explain your decision.


III. Carry out the Plan

Devise a third option of your own, or use one of the given strategies to solve the problem. Show your results and explain the methods you used to find the solution.


IV. Look Back

(k) How effective was the strategy that you chose? If confronted with a similar problem, would you use the same strategy? If not, why not?


(l) After carrying out your strategy, did you find that the problem solving strategies of mathematics and internet research could be executed independently of one another? Explain.


(m) If you followed the Hint and researched the measurement taken by Edwin Hubble, how did this information affect your solution and/or approach to the problem?


(n) Why is it impossible to find a precise answer to the problem, but possible to place a boundary on the possible answers?

look up the distance in light years to crab Nebula.


then subtract that time from 1054

I. Understand the Problem:

(a) The problem is asking to determine when the supernova actually occurred relative to when the Chinese astronomers saw the explosion. The only given information is that the Chinese astronomers observed the light from the supernova in 1054 and that it is the origin of the Crab Nebula.

II. Devise a Plan:

(b) Possible strategies for solving the problem may include using the speed of light and distance to calculate the time it took for the light from the supernova to reach the Chinese astronomers, or researching historical records and astronomical observations to find any additional information.

(c) The advantage of using the speed of light and distance strategy is that it is based on scientific principles and can provide a mathematical estimation of the time difference. The disadvantage is that it relies on accurate measurements of distance and assumes a constant speed of light. Researching historical records and astronomical observations can provide more context and potentially narrow down the possible time range. However, it may not provide a precise answer due to limited available information.

(d) Additional information that would be needed to solve the problem accurately would include the distance between the site of the supernova and the Chinese astronomers, as well as any other historical records or accounts that could provide more details about the event.

(e) Possible sources for finding additional information could include historical records, ancient texts, astronomical databases, and scientific literature related to the Crab Nebula.

(f) The algebraic relationship for the speed of light can be expressed as:
Distance = Speed * Time

(g) Some variables are better than others because they can represent physical quantities in a clear and intuitive way. For example, using "Distance" to represent the distance traveled by light makes the equation easier to understand.

(h) To solve for the rate of light, rearrange the equation from step (f):
Rate = Distance / Time

(i) To solve for the time, rearrange the equation from step (f):
Time = Distance / Rate

(j) The strategy of using the speed of light, distance, and time equation is a good choice for finding a solution to this problem because it is based on scientific principles and can provide a mathematical estimation of the time difference.

III. Carry out the Plan:

Since there is no specific distance mentioned in the problem statement, it is not possible to provide specific calculations or results for this problem.

IV. Look Back:

(k) The effectiveness of the chosen strategy would depend on the availability of accurate distance measurements and additional historical records. If confronted with a similar problem in the future, the same strategy may be used but with the consideration of additional data.

(l) The problem-solving strategies of mathematics and internet research can complement each other. While mathematics provides the framework for logical reasoning and calculations, internet research can provide access to additional information and historical records.

(m) Researching the measurement taken by Edwin Hubble might provide additional context or information about the Crab Nebula and the supernova. This information could potentially affect the approach to the problem or provide more accurate estimates.

(n) It is impossible to find a precise answer to the problem because there is not enough information given, such as the exact distance between the supernova site and the Chinese astronomers. However, it is possible to place a boundary on the possible answers based on scientific knowledge and historical records.

I. Understand the Problem

(a) From the problem statement, we are given that Chinese astronomers observed the light from a supernova in 1054, which is now known as the Crab Nebula. We are asked to find out when the supernova actually occurred relative to when the Chinese astronomers saw the explosion.

II. Devise a Plan

(b) One possible strategy for solving this problem is to use the velocity of light to calculate the time it took for the light from the supernova to reach the Chinese astronomers.

(c) The advantage of using the velocity of light is that it is a known constant and can be used to calculate time based on distance. However, the disadvantage is that we need to know the distance between the supernova and the Chinese astronomers in order to calculate the time.

(d) The additional information needed to solve the problem is the distance between the supernova and the Chinese astronomers.

(e) Possible sources for finding this information could include astronomical databases, scientific articles, or consulting experts in the field.

(f) The algebraic relationship relating distance, rate, and time is given by the equation: Distance = Rate x Time.

(g) Some variables are better than others because they can provide clear and meaningful representations of physical quantities. For example, using "d" to represent distance and "t" to represent time is more intuitive than using arbitrary letters.

(h) To solve for the variable representing the rate, we need to rearrange the equation: Rate = Distance / Time.

(i) To solve for the variable representing time, we need to rearrange the equation: Time = Distance / Rate.

(j) The best strategy for finding a solution to this problem is using the velocity of light to calculate the time. This is the most direct and mathematical approach based on the given information.

III. Carry out the Plan

Since we don't have the necessary information on the distance between the supernova and the Chinese astronomers, we cannot execute the plan at this time.

IV. Look Back

(k) The chosen strategy is not effective in this case because of the lack of information about the distance. If confronted with a similar problem, the same strategy may not be applicable unless the necessary information is provided.

(l) After carrying out the strategy, we can see that the problem-solving strategies of mathematics and internet research are not completely independent of each other. While mathematics can help us apply equations and formulas to solve the problem, internet research is needed to gather additional information that is not directly given in the problem statement.

(m) Researching the measurements taken by Edwin Hubble could have affected the solution approach by providing additional evidence or data about the distance to the supernova. However, since the problem does not provide any details about Hubble's measurements, it does not impact the solution in this case.

(n) It is impossible to find a precise answer to the problem because we do not have enough information. However, it is possible to place boundaries on the possible answers by considering the known speed of light and the time it took for the light to reach the Chinese astronomers.