the word problem is stated exactly as this - the shaded area of the chart represents the number of Acme employees who bring their children to day-care centers before work.if there are 465 employees at Acme, how many do not bring their children to day-care centers before coming to work.

The shaded area is 72%
How do I set this problem up as a proportion ?

well, 28 percent do not.

28 percent of 465 is ...

28 percent of 465 = 130.2

335 employees use daycare

130 employees do not use daycare

2/7 of the employees do not send their kids to daycare

To set up this problem as a proportion, you can use the following equation:

Shaded area / Total area = Number of employees who bring children / Total number of employees

In this case, the shaded area represents the number of employees who bring their children to daycare centers before work, and the total area represents the total number of Acme employees.

Let's calculate the shaded area:

Shaded area = 72% of the total number of employees
= 72/100 * 465
= 334.8

Since you cannot have a fraction of an employee, round 334.8 to the nearest whole number:

Shaded area = 335 employees who bring their children to daycare centers before work

Now that you have the shaded area, you can find the number of employees who do not bring their children to daycare centers before coming to work by using the proportion:

Shaded area / Total area = Number of employees who bring children / Total number of employees

335 / 465 = Number of employees who bring children / 465

Now, solve for the number of employees who do not bring their children:

Number of employees who bring children = 335
Total number of employees = 465

Number of employees who do not bring children = Total number of employees - Number of employees who bring children

Number of employees who do not bring children = 465 - 335
Number of employees who do not bring children = 130

Therefore, 130 employees do not bring their children to day-care centers before coming to work.