I'm doing grade 11 next year grade 12 I don't know which job can do with this subject pls help me to found more information about it plss

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Contact your school counselor with this question.

Sure! In order to discover more information about potential jobs related to your subjects in grade 11 and 12, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Identify your subjects: Start by listing the subjects you will be studying in grade 11 and 12. This will provide clarity on the academic areas you will have expertise in.

2. Research job markets: Look up different industries and sectors that align with the subjects you will be studying. For example, if you're studying Physics and Math, you might consider engineering, research, or technology-related careers.

3. Explore career databases: There are numerous online resources available that can assist in identifying careers related to specific subjects or fields of study. Some popular career databases include CareerOneStop, O*NET OnLine, and MyFuture.

4. Seek guidance from career counselors: Talk to your school's career counselor to discuss your subjects and potential career paths. They can provide personalized guidance based on your interests and academic strengths.

5. Connect with professionals: Reach out to professionals already working in fields related to your subjects. Conduct informational interviews or shadowing opportunities to gain insights into various careers and industry requirements.

6. Consider future education: Determine if your chosen career paths would require further education beyond grade 12. Certain professions might require a college degree, vocational training, or certifications.

Remember, choosing a career is a personal decision, and it's essential to explore your interests, skills, and values. Taking the time to research and gather information will help you make an informed decision about your professional future.