Examine the following diagram. Place the labeled layers in order from youngest to oldest.

Diagram showing a section of rock strata. The bottommost layer is labeled 'A'; the layer directly on top of layer A is labeled 'B'; the layer directly on top of layer B is labeled 'D'; a narrow section of rock, labeled 'C,' extends from A through B and D and culminates in a volcano.

A, B, C, D
C, D, B, A
D, A, B, C
C, B, A, D

i really need help with this pls help me


Thank you so much!

oldest is A, then B. CDBA

Using the following diagram to determine which rocks are oldest or youngest is referred to as _____.

To determine the order of the labeled layers from youngest to oldest, we need to analyze the given information.

From the diagram, we know that there is a narrow section of rock labeled 'C' that extends from layer A through B and D and culminates in a volcano. This gives us a clue about the relative ages of the layers.

Layer C is the youngest layer because it cuts through layers A, B, and D. The volcano further suggests that it is the most recent event in the sequence.

Layer D is older than layer C because it is being cut through by layer C.

Layer B is older than both layer C and layer D because it is found directly on top of layer D.

Layer A is the oldest layer in the sequence as it serves as the bottommost layer.

Therefore, the correct order of the labeled layers from youngest to oldest is:

C, D, B, A