Please help me with this:

Using the definition, describe in words the translation of a triangle y f(x,y)=x-5,y+4)

it has moved left 5 and up 4

To describe the translation of a triangle using the given definition, we need to understand the transformation described by the equation y = f(x, y) = (x - 5, y + 4).

Here's how we can break it down step by step:

1. Translation in the x-direction (horizontal shift): The term (x - 5) suggests that the triangle is being shifted 5 units to the right (positive x-direction). This means every point on the original triangle will move horizontally by the same amount.

2. Translation in the y-direction (vertical shift): The term (y + 4) indicates a vertical shift of 4 units upward (positive y-direction). All points of the original triangle will be moved vertically by the same amount.

Therefore, using the definition provided, the translation of the triangle y = f(x, y) = (x - 5, y + 4) is a triangle that has been shifted 5 units to the right and 4 units upward compared to its original position.