The Northwest Ordinance established all of the following, except

rules for territories to become states.

denying slavery to new states formed from the territory.

preventing new states from entering the United States.

the right to education (------my choice

Actually I like C

Yes, C.

What was the answer?

To find the answer to this question, you would need to know what the Northwest Ordinance established and then identify which of the given options is not one of its provisions.

The Northwest Ordinance was a law passed by the United States Congress in 1787 that set the framework for the government of newly acquired Northwest Territory. It determined the process by which territories could become states and established regulations for the organization of the territories, such as religious freedom and the prohibition of slavery.

Now, let's go through the options:

1. "Rules for territories to become states." This is correct, and it aligns with what the Northwest Ordinance established.

2. "Denying slavery to new states formed from the territory." This is also accurate, as the Northwest Ordinance prohibited slavery in the territories and declared that "there shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude."

3. "Preventing new states from entering the United States." This is false. The Northwest Ordinance did not prevent new states from joining the United States. On the contrary, it provided a process for territories to become states and outlined the rights and responsibilities of new states.

4. "The right to education." This is not listed as one of the provisions of the Northwest Ordinance. While the ordinance did emphasize the importance of education, it did not explicitly grant the right to education.

Given this information, the correct answer is: The Northwest Ordinance established all of the following, except the right to education.