Airplane A travels 1400

km at a certain speed. Plane B travels 1000 km at a speed
50 km /h faster than plane A in 3 hrs less time. Find the speed of each plane

Plane A speed = 200 mph

Plane B speed = 250 mph

i'll explain:


x=200 or -350/3
Taking out the negative answer, we get the speed of plane A to be 200kph, and the speed of plane B to be 250kph

Let's assume the speed of airplane A is "x" km/h.

Airplane A travels 1400 km at a speed of "x" km/h, so it takes (1400/x) hours to complete the journey.

The speed of airplane B is 50 km/h faster than airplane A, which means the speed of airplane B is (x + 50) km/h.

Airplane B travels 1000 km at a speed of (x + 50) km/h, and it takes (1400/x - 3) hours to complete the journey.

We can set up the following equation based on the given information:

1000 / (x + 50) = 1400 / x - 3

To solve this equation, we can cross multiply:

1000x - 3000 = 1400(x + 50)

1000x - 3000 = 1400x + 70000

600x = 73000

x = 73000 / 600

x ≈ 121.67

Therefore, the speed of airplane A is approximately 121.67 km/h.

The speed of airplane B is 50 km/h faster than airplane A:

x + 50 ≈ 121.67 + 50 ≈ 171.67

Therefore, the speed of airplane B is approximately 171.67 km/h.

To find the speed of each plane, we can use the formula Distance = Speed × Time.

For Plane A:
Distance = 1400 km
Speed = x km/h (unknown)
Time = unknown

For Plane B:
Distance = 1000 km
Speed = (x + 50) km/h (50 km/h faster than Plane A)
Time = unknown - 3 hrs (Plane B takes 3 hours less than Plane A)

Now, let's solve the equation for Plane A:

1400 km = x km/h * Time (equation 1)

Since Time is unknown, let's solve the equation for Plane B:

1000 km = (x + 50) km/h * (Time - 3 hrs) (equation 2)

Now we have a system of two equations (equations 1 and 2) with two unknowns (Speed and Time).

Simplifying equation 2:

1000 km = (x + 50) km/h * (Time - 3 hrs)
1000 km = x * (Time - 3 hrs) + 50 km/h * (Time - 3 hrs)
1000 km = x * Time - 3x + 50 km/h * Time - 150 km/h

Combining like terms:

1000 km = (x + 50 km/h) * Time - (3x + 150 km/h) (equation 3)

Now, we have two equations with two unknowns:

1400 km = x km/h * Time (equation 1)
1000 km = (x + 50 km/h) * Time - (3x + 150 km/h) (equation 3)

Let's solve these equations simultaneously.

From equation 1, we can express Time in terms of Speed:

Time = 1400 km / x km/h (equation 4)

Substituting equation 4 into equation 3:

1000 km = (x + 50 km/h) * (1400 km / x km/h) - (3x + 150 km/h)

Now we can simplify and solve for x (Speed of Plane A):

1000 km = (x + 50 km/h) * (1400 km / x km/h) - (3x + 150 km/h)
1000 km = (1400(x + 50) - x(3x + 150)) / x

To further simplify this equation, we can expand the brackets:

1000 km = (1400x + 70000 - 3x^2 - 450x) / x

Combining like terms:

1000 km = (70000 - 3x^2 + 950x) / x

Multiplying both sides by x:

1000 km * x = 70000 - 3x^2 + 950x

Rearranging the equation to get a quadratic equation in standard form:

3x^2 - 950x + 70000 = 0

Now we can solve this quadratic equation for x (Speed of Plane A) using the quadratic formula:

x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

where a = 3, b = -950, and c = 70000.

Substituting the values:

x = (-(-950) ± √((-950)^2 - 4*3*70000)) / (2*3)


x = (950 ± √(902500 - 840000)) / 6
x = (950 ± √62500) / 6

Now we can calculate the two possible values of x:

x1 = (950 + √62500) / 6
x2 = (950 - √62500) / 6

x1 ≈ 213.80 km/h
x2 ≈ 42.20 km/h

Since we're looking for positive speeds, we can discard x2 (42.20 km/h) as an extraneous solution. Therefore, the speed of Plane A (x) is approximately 213.80 km/h.

To find the speed of Plane B, we can substitute the value of x (213.80 km/h) into equation 1:

1400 km = 213.80 km/h * Time

Solving for Time:

Time ≈ 6.55 hrs

Now, using the equation for Plane B:

1000 km = (213.80 km/h + 50 km/h) * (6.55 hrs - 3 hrs)


1000 km = 263.80 km/h * 3.55 hrs

Dividing both sides by 3.55:

263.80 km/h ≈ 281.69 km/h

Therefore, the speed of Plane B is approximately 281.69 km/h.