For questions 15 and 16, multiply. Write the result in scientific notation.

15. (1.8 • 10^1)(7 • 10^5)

1.26 • 10^7
8.8 • 10^6
8.8 • 10^5
1.26 • 10^6

16. (2.2 ∙ 10^–3)(4 ∙ 10^–2)

2.2 ∙ 10^6
2.2 ∙ 10^–5
8.8 ∙ 10^6
8.8 ∙ 10^–5

16. 1.26*10^7

17. 8.8*10^-5

I believe the answers are the following


yes, yes, but numbering messed up.

Simplify the expression.

5k^2(–6k^2 – 2k + 6)
bot please help

To simplify, we can distribute the 5k^2 to each term inside the parentheses using the distributive property:

5k^2(–6k^2 – 2k + 6) = –30k^4 – 10k^3 + 30k^2

So the simplified expression is –30k^4 – 10k^3 + 30k^2.

Simplify the expression.

(2k + 1) (k – 4)

We can use FOIL (First, Outer, Inner, Last) method to simplify this expression:

(2k + 1)(k – 4) = 2k^2 - 8k + k - 4

Combining like terms, we have:

= 2k^2 - 7k - 4

Therefore, the simplified expression is 2k^2 - 7k - 4.

Simplify the expression.

(–3y + 2) (y + 3)

We can use FOIL (First, Outer, Inner, Last) method to simplify this expression:

(–3y + 2)(y + 3) = –3y^2 - 9y + 2y + 6

Combining like terms, we have:

= –3y^2 - 7y + 6

Therefore, the simplified expression is –3y^2 - 7y + 6.


The blue triangle is a right triangle. The vertical leg is labeled with the expression 4 x plus 2. The horizontal leg is labeled with the expression 5 x minus 4. The hypotenuse is labeled with the expression 7 x plus 7.

The red triangle is a right triangle. The vertical leg is labeled with the expression x plus 3. The horizontal leg is labeled with the expression x plus 7. The hypotenuse is labeled with the expression 2 x minus 5.

a. Write an expression in simplest form for the perimeter of each triangle.

b. Write another expression in simplest form that shows the difference between the perimeter of the larger triangle and the perimeter of the smaller triangle.

c. Find the perimeter for each triangle when x = 3