a cube has a lenght of 16cmby12cm height of 10cm with angles z,q,p,w,s,v,r and x.find the angle between z,q and the base p,q,r,s,.2.the angle between zq and the vertical plane p,w,z,s to 1 decimal place.the angle between plane p,q,r,s and w,q,r,z to the nearest degree

To find the angles between the given planes and lines, we need to use some basic geometry concepts.

1. Angle between z, q, and the base p, q, r, s:
Since we are dealing with a cube, all sides are equal in length and all angles are right angles (90 degrees). Therefore, the angle between z, q, and the base p, q, r, s is also 90 degrees.

2. Angle between z, q and the vertical plane p, w, z, s:
To find this angle, we need to work with the projection of the line z, q onto the vertical plane.

- First, find the projection of line z, q onto the vertical plane:
- Draw a perpendicular from the endpoint of line q (let's call it point A) to the vertical plane p, w, z, s.
- Let this perpendicular intersect the vertical plane at a point B.
- Join point z and point B.
- Now, we have a right-angled triangle z, A, B.

- Next, calculate the angle between line z, q and the vertical plane:
- Measure the length of line z, q (which is given in the problem).
- Measure the length of line z, A, which is equal to the height of the cube (10 cm).

- Since we have a right-angled triangle, we can use trigonometry to find the angle between line z, q and the vertical plane.
- Use the formula: sin(angle) = opposite/hypotenuse. In this case, sin(angle) = zA/zq.
- Calculate the angle using: angle = arcsin(zA/zq).
- Round the result to one decimal place.

3. Angle between plane p, q, r, s and w, q, r, z:

- Since we are dealing with two planes, we can find the angle between them by finding the normal vectors to each plane and then calculating the angle between these two vectors.

- To find the normal vectors:
- For Plane PQRS: Find the cross product of vectors PR and PS.
- For Plane WQRZ: Find the cross product of vectors WQ and WR.

- Next, find the dot product of the normal vectors:
- Take the dot product of the two normal vectors obtained in the previous step.
- Use the formula: dot_product = |normal_vector1| * |normal_vector2| * cos(angle).
- Re-arrange the formula to solve for the angle: angle = arccos(dot_product / (|normal_vector1| * |normal_vector2|)).

- Finally, round the result to the nearest degree.

Please note that providing specific numeric values for the angles would require additional information or measurements from the given figure.