Create an intricate image, showcasing the interior of a delivery van. The van's floor is sprawled with a checked pattern marking an area of 56 square feet and is visibly 8 feet in length. On the side, stacks of boxes measuring 1 foot by 1 foot are lined up in 8 rows ready to be placed on the floor, awaiting to be arranged in the delivery van.

The floor of a delivery van has an area of 56 square feet and is 8 feet long. How many rows of 8 boxes that measure 1 foot by 1 foot can be put in the delivery van?

Thank you...

56 / 8 = 7

Zack is planning to make a flower garden. He has 24 one-yard sections of fence that he place around the garden. He wants the garden to be as long as possible. What is the longest length he can use for the garden? How wide will the garden be?

He could make it 1 yard by 11 yards.

P = 2L + 2W

Can you explain to me how?

The perimeter must be 24 yards.

P = 2L + 2W

P = (2 * 11) + (2 * 1)

P = 24 yards

To find out how many rows of boxes can fit in the delivery van, we need to determine the number of boxes that can fit in one row, and then divide the total area of the van's floor by the area of one box.

First, let's find the area of one box. Since each box measures 1 foot by 1 foot, the area of one box is 1 square foot.

Next, we find the number of boxes that can fit in one row by dividing the length of the delivery van's floor by the length of one box:
Number of Boxes per Row = Length of Van Floor / Length of One Box = 8 feet / 1 foot = 8 boxes.

Now, we can find the total number of boxes that can fit in the delivery van by dividing the area of the van's floor by the area of one box:
Total Number of Boxes = Area of Van Floor / Area of One Box = 56 square feet / 1 square foot = 56 boxes.

Therefore, you can fit 8 rows of 8 boxes in the delivery van.