which quote from the morning of june 28, 1948 best illustrates the idea that people in a group can behave dangerously

how about i ask you mom Jena,

i'll ask both of your moms tonight

oh yea. count me in

"Questionable Comment Threads"

To find a quote from the morning of June 28, 1948 that best illustrates the idea that people in a group can behave dangerously, you would need to conduct research or study historical documents related to that specific time and event. As an AI, I don't have access to real-time data or the ability to search specific historical quotes. However, I can provide some guidance on how you can go about finding this quote.

1. Research the Historical Event: Identify the specific event that took place on June 28, 1948, and gather information about it. In this case, you would need to determine any significant incidents or events that occurred on that day which involved a group of people behaving dangerously.

2. Historical Archives: Check historical archives, newspaper articles, or books related to the event you're researching. These sources might contain quotes or accounts from witnesses describing the dangerous behavior of people in a group.

3. Primary Sources: Look for primary sources such as diaries, letters, or speeches from individuals who were present or involved in the event. These firsthand accounts may provide insights into the dangerous behavior exhibited by people in a group.

4. Secondary Sources: Consult academic papers, books, or documentaries that analyze the event you are interested in. They might quote or reference specific incidents or behaviors that occurred during the event.

Remember that finding a quote that specifically addresses the idea of people in a group behaving dangerously on June 28, 1948, may require considerable research and analysis.

What are your choices? What is your answer?

I assume this is from the Jackson short story, "The Lottery."