Jose has a 120-inch roll of wrapping paper. He needs an 18-inch piece to wrap each present. Does Jose have enough to wrap 7 presents?

I divided 120÷18 and got 6.66 but if I round 6.66 to 7, will the answer be yes?

Nevermind figured it out

Don't round. He has 6 2/3 pieces which means he doesn't have enough paper to wrap the seventh present.

To determine if Jose has enough wrapping paper to wrap 7 presents, we need to calculate the total amount of wrapping paper needed for 7 presents. Since Jose needs an 18-inch piece to wrap each present, we can multiply 18 by 7 to find the total length of wrapping paper required.

18 inches/present * 7 presents = 126 inches

Since the total wrapping paper required is 126 inches and Jose has a 120-inch roll of wrapping paper, he does not have enough to wrap all 7 presents.

To determine if Jose has enough wrapping paper to wrap 7 presents, you need to calculate how many pieces of 18-inch paper he can get from the 120-inch roll.

To do this, you correctly divided 120 by 18, which gave you 6.66. However, since you cannot have a fraction of a piece of paper, you need to round the number to the nearest whole number.

In this case, if you round 6.66 to the nearest whole number, which is 7, it means that Jose can obtain 7 pieces of 18-inch paper from the 120-inch roll.

Therefore, the answer is yes, Jose has enough wrapping paper to wrap 7 presents.