Which is the best fertilizer for Mr. Jimenez’ backyard grass? Select the type of study most appropriate to the question.

A. Experimental
B. Experimental blinded
C. Case-controlled observational
D. Observational
Answer: B

Agree. The blind condition will reduce probability of Jimenez treating them different.


A. Observation was marked wrong and experimental blinded was wrong the only other option is A. experimental

The most appropriate type of study for this question would be the experimental blinded study.

In an experimental study, researchers can directly manipulate variables to determine cause and effect relationships. In this case, they can test different types of fertilizers and measure their impact on the backyard grass.

Additionally, a blinded study would further enhance the accuracy of the results. In a blinded study, the participants (in this case, Mr. Jimenez) do not know which type of fertilizer they are receiving. This helps to prevent any bias or expectations that may influence the results. By blinding the study, the researchers can obtain more objective and reliable results. Therefore, the best type of study for this question is an experimental blinded study.