Which is the best fertilizer for Mr. Jimenez’ backyard grass? Select the type of study most appropriate to the question.

A. Experimental
B. Experimental blinded
C. Case-controlled observational
D. Observational
Answer: B

The most appropriate type of study for this question would be B. Experimental blinded.

To determine the best fertilizer for Mr. Jimenez's backyard grass, an experimental blinded study would be the most suitable approach. In this type of study, the researchers would set up an experiment where they compare different types of fertilizers on Mr. Jimenez's grass. The experiment would be blinded, meaning that both Mr. Jimenez and the researchers would not know which fertilizer is being applied to each area of the grass.

In an experimental blinded study, multiple areas of the backyard would be selected and randomly assigned different types of fertilizers. This random assignment ensures that each area has an equal chance of receiving any of the tested fertilizers. The researchers would then closely monitor the growth and health of the grass in each area over a specific period of time.

By comparing the results of the different areas, the researchers can determine which fertilizer is most effective in promoting healthy and lush grass growth in Mr. Jimenez's backyard. This experimental approach allows for controlled testing and provides more reliable evidence than other types of studies.

Therefore, the best type of study for determining the best fertilizer for Mr. Jimenez's backyard grass would be an experimental blinded study (option B).