Which of the following statements is true for a capitalist economy ?

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Which of the following statements is true for a capitalist economy?

One of the following statements that is true for a capitalist economy is:

1. Private ownership: In a capitalist economy, the means of production, such as land, resources, and businesses, are primarily privately owned. Individuals, rather than the government, have the right to control and make decisions regarding their property and businesses.

Other statements commonly associated with a capitalist economy, although not listed in the question, include:

2. Profit motive: The primary driving force in a capitalist economy is the pursuit of profit. Individuals and businesses aim to maximize their profits through the production and exchange of goods and services.

3. Market competition: Capitalist economies rely on market competition to allocate resources and determine prices. Multiple buyers and sellers operating in a competitive market environment create supply and demand dynamics, leading to price signals and efficient resource allocation.

4. Minimal government intervention: A capitalist economy typically functions with minimal government interference. The government's role is generally limited to protecting property rights, maintaining law and order, and ensuring fair competition.

5. Economic freedom: Capitalism emphasizes individual economic freedom, allowing individuals to make choices regarding their financial decisions, investments, employment, etc.

It is important to note that different countries may have varying degrees of capitalist economies, and government intervention and regulations can exist to varying extents in practice. The exact characteristics and policies of a capitalist economy can vary depending on the specific context and country.

To determine which of the following statements is true for a capitalist economy, we need to first understand what a capitalist economy is. A capitalist economy is a system based on private ownership of businesses and means of production, where individuals and businesses operate for profit and market forces determine the allocation of resources.

Now, let's examine the statements:

1. "The government plays a dominant role in determining prices and allocating resources."

In a capitalist economy, the government generally has a limited role in determining prices and allocating resources. Instead, market forces, such as supply and demand, play a significant role in setting prices. Therefore, statement 1 is generally not true for a capitalist economy.

2. "Individuals have the freedom to start their own businesses and pursue their own economic interests."

One of the defining features of a capitalist economy is the freedom for individuals to start their own businesses and pursue their own economic interests. This entrepreneurial freedom is a core principle of capitalism, allowing individuals to take risks, innovate, and create wealth. Therefore, statement 2 is true for a capitalist economy.

3. "Wealth and resources are distributed equally among all members of society."

In a capitalist economy, wealth and resources are not generally distributed equally among all members of society. Instead, the distribution is determined by market forces and the outcome of economic transactions. Therefore, statement 3 is generally not true for a capitalist economy.

Based on the analysis above, statement 2: "Individuals have the freedom to start their own businesses and pursue their own economic interests" is true for a capitalist economy.