Which is an example of the concept of manifest destiny in action?

None of the above.

I would say the Louisiana Purchase (From the French), and the Alaska Purchase from the Russians. I maybe wrong though. Manifest Destiny was pretty much the expansion of land from coast to coast.

Definitely the forced removal of Native Americans from their ancestral lands to Oklahoma (Trail of Tears), as well as the push to encourage settlers to move west (the Homestead Act). These are just two, but there are several including the annexation of Texas (1845), the Mexican-American War (ultimately leading to the Mexican Cession, 1848), the Gadsden Purchase (1853, from Mexico), and the Oregon County dispute's resolve with Great Britain (1846). You could also include the rapid expansion of rail road.

Manifest destiny was a 19th-century belief that it was the God-given right and mission of the United States to expand its territory and influence from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. This idea fueled westward expansion and the acquisition of new territories. One example of manifest destiny in action is the U.S. acquisition of the Oregon Territory.

To get the answer to your question, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the concept of manifest destiny: Start by understanding what manifest destiny is and how it influenced American expansion. This will give you a clear idea of what to look for.

2. Learn about the acquisition of the Oregon Territory: Look for historical events and processes related to the expansion of the United States into the Oregon Territory. This area encompassed present-day Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Canada.

3. Look for specific examples: Once you have a good understanding of manifest destiny and the Oregon Territory, search for specific events or actions that exemplify the concept in action. Consider things like negotiations, treaties, or conflicts related to the United States' expansion into this region.

4. Evaluate the examples: Once you have identified potential examples, evaluate them based on how they reflect the principles of manifest destiny. Look for evidence of American settlers' belief in their right to claim and control the land, as well as any political, economic, or military actions taken to achieve this expansion.

By following these steps, you can determine an example of manifest destiny in action, specifically related to the acquisition of the Oregon Territory.