English is the language of opportunity.why bother to teach indidenous language?

See Related Questions below.

Yes English is the language of opportunity as you can see that English combines races and nations to easily communicate

Teaching indigenous languages is important for several reasons. While English may be considered the language of opportunity on a global scale, it is vital to value and preserve indigenous languages for the following reasons:

1. Cultural Preservation: Indigenous languages hold a significant part of a community's cultural identity. These languages represent unique ways of thinking, perceiving the world, and understanding their history. Preserving indigenous languages helps to maintain cultural heritage and promotes a sense of belonging and identity among indigenous communities.

2. Communication within the Community: Indigenous languages are often the primary means of communication within these communities. Teaching the younger generation their native language allows them to effectively communicate with their elders, strengthening intergenerational bonds and preserving traditional knowledge and wisdom.

3. Conveying Indigenous Knowledge: Indigenous languages often contain specific words, phrases, and concepts that are not easily translated into other languages, including English. By teaching indigenous languages, we can ensure that indigenous knowledge systems, such as ecological wisdom, traditional customs, and oral storytelling, are passed down to future generations.

4. Enriches Linguistic Diversity: Language diversity is crucial for a thriving and inclusive society. It is enriching to embrace different languages, as they offer unique perspectives, expressions, and ways of understanding the world. By teaching indigenous languages alongside English, we promote a more diverse and inclusive linguistic landscape.

To teach indigenous languages effectively, it is essential to involve the indigenous communities themselves. Working collaboratively with native speakers, language experts, and educators can ensure that teaching methods are culturally sensitive, accurate, and respectful to the heritage and traditions associated with the language.