Keisha bought some packs of gum.there was 5 stiks of gum in ech pack.she opened the packs then gave 8 sticks to her sister.this left keisha with 27 sticks os gum.

How many packs of gum did keisha buy?

I have no idea so I need YOUR answer PLEASEEE

(8 + 27)/5 = ?


To find out how many packs of gum Keisha bought, we need to work through the given information step by step.

1. We know that there were 5 sticks of gum in each pack.
2. Keisha opened the packs, so the number of sticks of gum she had initially is equal to the number of packs she bought multiplied by 5 (since each pack has 5 sticks).

Let's use algebra to solve the problem:

Let's assume the number of packs Keisha bought is represented by the variable 'x'.

From the given information, the equation will be: 5x = 27 + 8

Explanation of the equation:
- The left side of the equation, 5x, represents the total number of sticks in the packs Keisha bought.
- The right side of the equation, 27 + 8, represents the sticks Keisha had after giving 8 to her sister.

Now let's solve the equation:

5x = 27 + 8
5x = 35

To isolate 'x', we divide both sides of the equation by 5:

5x/5 = 35/5
x = 7

Therefore, Keisha bought 7 packs of gum.