A farmer needs to build a fence to enclose a square plot of land with an area of 200 square yards. To the nearest tenth of a yard, how much fencing does the farmer need?

The square root of 200 is 14.14

P = 2L + 2W

P = 4 * 14.14

P = 56.6 yards

To find the amount of fencing needed, we need to determine the perimeter of the square plot of land. Let's use the formula:

Perimeter of a square = 4 * side length

Since the area of the square plot of land is given as 200 square yards, we can find the side length by taking the square root of the area:

Side length = sqrt(area)

Plug in the given area:

Side length = sqrt(200) ≈ 14.1 yards

Now we can calculate the perimeter:

Perimeter = 4 * side length
= 4 * 14.1
≈ 56.4 yards

Therefore, the farmer needs approximately 56.4 yards of fencing to enclose the square plot of land.