A girl has been getting her parents change every day for a year. She has pennies and half-dollars worth $32.45. If she has five times as many pennies as half-dollars, how many of each type of coin does she have?

Follow the same steps I showed you in the previous post

Same kind of problem.

What post?

x is for pennies?

and .50 for half dollars?
total is 32.45

To solve this problem, we can use algebra to represent the given information. Let's say that the number of half-dollars the girl has is "x". Since she has five times as many pennies as half-dollars, she would have 5x pennies.

Now, let's determine the values of the coins. A penny is worth $0.01 and a half-dollar is worth $0.50. So we can write an equation for the total value of the coins:

0.01(5x) + 0.50(x) = 32.45

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of "x", which represents the number of half-dollars the girl has:

0.05x + 0.50x = 32.45
0.55x = 32.45
x = 32.45 / 0.55
x ≈ 59

So the girl has approximately 59 half-dollars. Since she has five times as many pennies, she would have 5 * 59 = 295 pennies.