I need to equal $1.00 and 30 grams


quarter .25=6 grams
dime .10=2 grams
nickel .05=5 grams


That is already $1.00 AND 24Grams. And if u add 6grams to the 24grams u have 30grams
So u got $1.&30g.

3 quarters = $.75 and 18 g

5 nickels = $25 and 25 grams (43 too heavy)

3 quarters = $.75 and 18 g
2 dimes = $.20 and 4 grams
1 nickel =$.05 and 5 grams (27 too light)

2 quarters = $.50 and 12 g
4 dimes = $.40 and 8 grams
2 nickels =$.10 and 10 grams (30g ah hah)

To equal $1.00 and 30 grams using quarters, dimes, and nickels, we need to first determine the number of each coin that would add up to $1.00 when considering their respective values. Then, we can calculate the total weight in grams.

Let's analyze each coin's value and weight:

1. Quarter: Its value is $0.25 and weighs 6 grams.
2. Dime: Its value is $0.10 and weighs 2 grams.
3. Nickel: Its value is $0.05 and weighs 5 grams.

To start finding a combination that equals $1.00, we can assume that we will need at least one quarter, as it has the highest value among the three coins. Let's try a few scenarios:

1. If we use three quarters, their total value is $0.75 (3 x $0.25), leaving us with $0.25 remaining.
- The remaining $0.25 can be represented as:
- 2 dimes ($0.10 x 2 = $0.20) + 1 nickel ($0.05 x 1 = $0.05)
- This combination adds up to $0.25 in total value.

2. If we use two quarters, their total value is $0.50 (2 x $0.25), leaving us with $0.50 remaining.
- The remaining $0.50 can be represented as:
- 5 dimes ($0.10 x 5 = $0.50)
- This combination also adds up to $0.50 in total value.

Now, to calculate the total weight:

1. When using 3 quarters (6 grams each), the weight is:
- 3 quarters x 6 grams = 18 grams
- 2 dimes (2 grams each) + 1 nickel (5 grams) = 9 grams
- Therefore, the total weight is 18 grams + 9 grams = 27 grams.

2. When using 2 quarters (6 grams each), the weight is:
- 2 quarters x 6 grams = 12 grams
- 5 dimes (2 grams each) = 10 grams
- Therefore, the total weight is 12 grams + 10 grams = 22 grams.

To achieve both $1.00 in value and 30 grams in weight, we do not have a direct combination using only quarters, dimes, and nickels.