Which of these is the most practical method to prevent global water shortage?

Stop planting trees and shrubs in gardens.

Conserve, recycle and reuse water in households.

Stop using appliances like washing machines and dishwashers.

Discourage setting up of power plants which need cooling water.

is it b pls help

Yes, b.

However, in arid areas, a would be the best choice.

To determine the most practical method to prevent global water shortage from the given options, we can evaluate each method based on its potential effectiveness and feasibility:

1. Stop planting trees and shrubs in gardens: While reducing water usage in gardens can help conserve water on a small scale, completely stopping the planting of trees and shrubs can have negative consequences for the environment. Trees and shrubs play a vital role in maintaining ecosystem balance, providing shade, preventing soil erosion, and promoting biodiversity. Therefore, this method may not be the most practical solution as it sacrifices other important environmental benefits.

2. Conserve, recycle, and reuse water in households: This method is one of the most practical and effective ways to prevent water shortage. By implementing water-saving practices like reducing shower time, fixing leaks, collecting rainwater, using low-flow fixtures, and reusing water for non-potable purposes (such as watering plants), households can significantly reduce water consumption. This approach promotes sustainable water management without sacrificing essential environmental components.

3. Stop using appliances like washing machines and dishwashers: Although reducing appliance usage can decrease water consumption to some extent, it is not a comprehensive solution. Modern appliances are often designed to be water-efficient, and the convenience they offer in terms of cleanliness and time-saving should also be considered. Moreover, individual lifestyle requirements may make it impractical or unsustainable to completely stop using these appliances.

4. Discourage setting up power plants that need cooling water: Power plants that rely on cooling water contribute to water usage, and discouraging their establishment can help reduce water demand. However, this method primarily addresses a subset of water consumption, specifically in power generation, and may not directly address other domestic, industrial, or agricultural water needs. Therefore, although it can contribute to overall water conservation goals, it alone may not be the most practical solution to prevent global water shortage.

Based on the above analysis, option B, conserving, recycling, and reusing water in households, is generally considered the most practical method to prevent global water shortage. However, it's important to implement a combination of multiple strategies involving both individual actions and broader policies to effectively tackle this global issue.