A jet took of at a rate of 310 ft per second and climbed in a straight path for 2.4 minutes. What was the angle of elevation of its path of its final altitude was 13,000 ft?

Don't know what to convert 2.4 mins to. I got sin of the angle of elevation = 13,000/ ?

To calculate the angle of elevation, we need to convert the time from minutes to seconds since the jet's rate is given in feet per second.

To convert minutes to seconds, we know that 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds.

So, to convert 2.4 minutes to seconds, you multiply by 60:

2.4 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 144 seconds

Now, we know that the jet climbed for 144 seconds at a rate of 310 ft/s and reached a final altitude of 13,000 ft.

Using the formula for calculating the angle of elevation, which is the inverse sine (sin^(-1)), we can set up the equation:

sin^(-1)(height/distance) = sin^(-1)(13,000 ft / (310 ft/s * 144 s))

Now, we can simplify:

sin^(-1)(13,000 ft / (310 ft/s * 144 s)) ≈ sin^(-1)(0.29673)

To find the value of sin^(-1)(0.29673), you can use a scientific calculator or an online calculator with inverse trigonometric functions. After calculating this, you will get the angle of elevation in radians. If you want it in degrees, ensure you convert it to degrees by multiplying the value by 180/π (pi).