What is 18 millionths written in standard form


What is 18 million written in standard form

To write 18 millionths in standard form, we need to express it as a decimal number.

To do that, we divide 18 by 1,000,000 (since there are one million units in a whole).

So, 18 millionths written in standard form is 0.000018.

To write 18 millionths in standard form, you need to understand place value notation. Place value refers to the value of each digit in a number based on its position.

In the case of 18 millionths, the number is less than one, indicating that it is a decimal. The word "millionths" tells us that we need to divide the whole number into one million equal parts.

To write the number in standard form, we will use the place value notation. The place values in decimals start from the left of the decimal point, with each place value being a power of 10. In this case, the place value we are concerned with is "millionths," which is equivalent to 10^-6.

To convert the number to standard form:
1. First, write down the digit 18 (the whole number part).
2. Then, write the decimal point.
3. After that, add six zeros after the decimal point because there are six zeros in the word "millionths."
So, we have 0.000018 as the decimal form.
4. Finally, express this decimal number using scientific notation by multiplying it by 10^-6:
0.000018 x 10^-6 = 1.8 x 10^-8.

Therefore, 18 millionths written in standard form is 1.8 x 10^-8.