Last week Camille walked on the treadmill for 13 and one fourth hours.She spent the same amount of time on the treadmill each day except Sunday. On Sunday,she spent 1 and one fourth hours walking on the treadmill.How many minutes did she walk on the treadmill on Monday?

To find out how many minutes Camille walked on the treadmill on Monday, we first need to convert the given times from hours to minutes.

Camille walked on the treadmill for 13 and one fourth hours last week, which is equal to 13.25 hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we can multiply 13.25 by 60 to find out how many minutes she walked in total.

13.25 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 795 minutes

We know that Camille spent the same amount of time on the treadmill each day except Sunday. Therefore, the total time she spent on the treadmill from Monday to Saturday is 795 minutes - 1 and one fourth hours (or 1.25 hours) = 795 minutes - 1.25 * 60 minutes/hour = 795 minutes - 75 minutes = 720 minutes.

Since Camille spent the same amount of time on the treadmill each day (except Sunday), we can divide the total time (720 minutes) by the number of days (6) to find out the time she spent on the treadmill on each of those days.

720 minutes / 6 = 120 minutes

Therefore, Camille walked on the treadmill for 120 minutes on Monday.

To find how many minutes Camille walked on the treadmill on Monday, we need to subtract the time she spent walking on Sunday from the total time she spent walking on the treadmill for the entire week.

First, let's convert the given hours and fractions of hours into a single fraction.
Camille walked on the treadmill for 13 and one fourth hours, which can be represented as 13 1/4 hours.
To convert the mixed number into a fraction, we multiply the whole number (13) by the denominator (4) and add the numerator (1) to get the numerator of the fraction. So, 13 * 4 + 1 = 52 + 1 = 53.
Therefore, 13 1/4 hours can be expressed as 53/4 hours.

Now, let's find the total time she walked on Monday. Since the time she spent on each day, except Sunday, is the same, we can divide the remaining time (total time - time spent on Sunday) by the number of days.

The total time she spent on the treadmill for the week is 53/4 hours. On Sunday, she spent 1 and one-fourth hours, which is 5/4 hours.
To find the time spent on Monday, we subtract the time spent on Sunday from the total time:
53/4 - 5/4 = 48/4 = 12.

Now, we need to convert the time spent on Monday from hours to minutes.
Since there are 60 minutes in 1 hour, we multiply the time spent on Monday (12 hours) by 60 to get the number of minutes:
12 * 60 = 720.

Therefore, Camille walked on the treadmill for 720 minutes on Monday.

13 1/4 - 1 1/4 = 12 hours

12/6 = ?