How do I divide 94.3/16.4

This site explains dividing with decimals.

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To divide 94.3 by 16.4, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Set up the division problem.
Place the dividend (94.3) under the long division symbol (÷).
Place the divisor (16.4) outside the division symbol.

16.4 | 94.3

Step 2: Begin dividing.
Start with the leftmost digit of the dividend (9) and divide it by the divisor (16.4).
You may need to place a decimal point in your answer.

First, estimate how many times the divisor can fit into the dividend.
In this case, estimate that 16.4 can fit into 94 about 5 times.

16.4 | 94.3
- 82.0 <-- Multiply 16.4 by 5 (16.4 × 5) and subtract from 94.3.

Step 3: Bring down the next digit.
Since you have reached the end of the dividend, there are no more digits to bring down.

Step 4: Complete the division.
Add a decimal point (.) in your quotient, right above the division symbol.
Now you need to determine how many times the divisor can fit into the new dividend.

16.4 | 94.3
- 82.0
12.3 <-- Bring down the next digit.

In this case, estimate that 16.4 can fit into 123 about 7 times:

16.4 | 94.3
- 82.0
- 9.8 <-- Multiply 16.4 by 7 (16.4 × 7) and subtract from 123.

Step 5: Repeat the process.
If there are still digits remaining in the dividend after subtracting the multiples of the divisor, bring down the next digit and continue dividing.

16.4 | 94.3
- 82.0
- 9.8
23.0 <-- Bring down the next digit.

You may continue this process until there are no more digits left in the dividend or until you achieve the desired level of precision in your answer.

Step 6: Finalize the quotient.
If you want your answer to be more precise, you can continue dividing until you reach the desired level of precision.
In this case, the answer can be approximated to two decimal places as 5.77.

Hence, 94.3 divided by 16.4 equals approximately 5.77.