Which figure results from slicing a pentagonal pyramid with a plane through the vertex that is perpendicular to the base?

To visualize which figure results from slicing a pentagonal pyramid with a plane through the vertex that is perpendicular to the base, you can imagine a pyramid-shaped object with a base in the shape of a regular pentagon. When you slice through this pyramid with a plane parallel to one of the pentagon's sides, the resulting shape is a pentagonal prism.

Now, if you instead slice the pyramid with a plane that goes through the vertex (top) and is perpendicular to the base, the resulting figure will be a regular pentagon. This is because the plane intersects all the edges of the pyramid's base at right angles and cuts through the center of each edge, forming a regular pentagon.

In summary, when you slice a pentagonal pyramid with a plane through the vertex that is perpendicular to the base, the resulting figure is a regular pentagon.

draw the triangle