prepared speech:English is a language of opportunity, why bother teach indigenous languages

English is the langauge of opportunity.why bother to teach indigenous languges? I agree with the topic. we oll know english there is no need to struggle to know oll the langauges.even those who are coming from ather countries for us to understand each ather we use let us learn to toik english in a proper way.if we can't communicat with english we can't understand each ather,becouse our languages different .i can't speek siswati to the porson who understan sepedi becouse he will not what i'm saying.


Who are you
I am asking?
People are just asking...
People just say
Love is love
But if you love
Someone you you
Can't let it go
Love beggins as a
Wish knowing from your
Heart from
Place to place you
Are the reason
I smile, i sing, i dance
I love

Love love
Lerato lerato
Uthando uthando
Lofuno lufuno


Wow that's great!

Teaching indigenous languages is not about neglecting English or undermining its importance as a language of opportunity. It is essential to recognize that languages are not just a means of communication, but they are also connected to a people's culture, identity, history, and heritage. Indigenous languages play a crucial role in preserving and promoting diverse cultures, traditions, and knowledge systems that have been passed down for generations.

While English provides global communication opportunities, indigenous languages hold unique perspectives and richness that cannot be conveyed in any other language. Here are a few reasons why it is important to teach indigenous languages alongside English:

1. Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Indigenous languages are often closely tied to specific communities' cultural practices, rituals, and oral traditions. By teaching these languages, we help preserve and pass on the invaluable cultural heritage to future generations.

2. Empowerment and Self-Identity: Learning one's indigenous language can strengthen a person's sense of self and identity. It fosters a connection to their ancestral roots and enhances their overall well-being.

3. Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Indigenous languages often contain extensive knowledge about local environments, natural resources, medicinal herbs, and sustainable practices. By teaching these languages, we ensure that this knowledge is not lost and can continue to benefit communities and the world.

4. Respect and Inclusivity: By promoting the teaching of indigenous languages, we demonstrate respect for the rights, dignity, and diversity of indigenous communities. It fosters a more inclusive society that values and appreciates different cultures.

Now, if you want to craft a prepared speech on this topic, consider the following structure:

1. Introduction: Start by highlighting the global importance of the English language as a language of opportunity.

2. Acknowledge Indigenous Languages: Emphasize the significance of indigenous languages, their cultural value, and their connection to the identity and heritage of indigenous communities.

3. Reasons for Teaching Indigenous Languages:
- Preservation of Cultural Heritage
- Empowerment and Self-Identity
- Indigenous Knowledge Systems
- Respect and Inclusivity

4. Counterarguments: Address any potential counterarguments, such as limited resources or the perceived prioritization of English. Explain how supporting indigenous languages alongside English benefits society as a whole.

5. Conclusion: Summarize the main points, reiterate the importance of recognizing indigenous languages, and call for support, resources, and efforts to ensure the preservation and teaching of these languages.

Remember to tailor the speech to your audience, incorporate personal anecdotes or stories if appropriate, and use credible sources to strengthen your arguments.

You write it and someone here will critique it for you.