Bear Lake is 6 miles wide. The total time it took Jane to kayak back and forth across the lake was 2 hours. Her rate kayaking back was 3 times her rate going out across the lake. What was Jane's rate kayaking out across the lake?

1 mph

time = distance/rate

let her rate on the first trip be x mph

6/x + 6/3x = 2

each term by 3x
18 + 6 = 6x
x = 4

she went out at 4 mph, and came back at 12 mph

(12 mph for 6 miles in a kayak???, Wow!!)

molly traveled to the lake and back.It took two hours less time to get there then it did to get back.The average speed on the trip there was 50 mph.The average speed on the way back was 30 mph.How many hours didthe trip there take?

To find Jane's rate kayaking out across the lake, we can use the formula: Rate = Distance / Time.

Let's denote Jane's rate kayaking out across the lake as R. Since her rate kayaking back is 3 times her rate going out, her rate kayaking back can be denoted as 3R.

The total time it took Jane to kayak back and forth across the lake was 2 hours, so the time it took for Jane to kayak out across the lake is half of that, or 1 hour.

We know that the distance across the lake is 6 miles both ways, so the distance Jane kayaked out across the lake is 6 miles.

Using the formula, we can equate the rate, distance, and time:

R = Distance / Time
R = 6 miles / 1 hour
R = 6 miles/hour

Therefore, Jane's rate kayaking out across the lake is 6 miles per hour.