Ln(2x-1)^2=7 solve for x.

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Is this number too big?

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To solve the equation ln((2x-1)^2) = 7 for x, we need to get rid of the natural logarithm (ln). To do this, we can use the properties of logarithms and exponentiation.

Step 1: Apply the property of logarithms: ln(a^b) = b * ln(a). Rewrite the equation as 2 * ln(2x-1) = 7.

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 2: ln(2x-1) = 7/2.

Step 3: Use the inverse property of the natural logarithm (ln) to eliminate it. In other words, we need to convert from log form to exponential form. The inverse of ln is e^x, so we can rewrite our equation as: 2x-1 = e^(7/2).

Step 4: Add 1 to both sides of the equation: 2x = e^(7/2) + 1.

Step 5: Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for x: x = (e^(7/2) + 1)/2.

So the solution for x is x = (e^(7/2) + 1)/2.