I am in need of some help on finding a article with the following could someone please help me

find an article related to one of the following topics: o The role of protein in hormone/enzyme functions o How protein assists with immunity o The protein needs of an infant or toddler compared to an adult o The importance of protein in maintaining fluid/electrolyte and pH balance o Amino acids and how they relate to athletics � Summarize the article in 200 to 300 words, and include appropriate APA citations for your findings. � Post your response as an attachment.





Thank you so much

You're very welcome.

To find an article related to one of the given topics, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by accessing a reputable academic database or search engine such as Google Scholar, PubMed, or ScienceDirect.
2. Use keywords related to your chosen topic to narrow down the search results. For example, you can use combinations of the following keywords: "protein," "hormone," "enzyme," "immunity," "infant," "toddler," "adult," "fluid," "electrolyte," "pH balance," "amino acids," and "athletics."
3. Refine your search by adding additional keywords specific to your topic. For example, if you are interested in the role of protein in hormone/enzyme functions, you can search for "protein hormone function" or "protein enzyme role."
4. Look for recent articles (published within the last 5-10 years) as they are more likely to contain up-to-date information and be relevant to your needs.
5. Scan through the abstracts or summaries of the articles to determine if they cover the desired topic. If the abstract provides enough information, proceed to read the entire article.
6. Once you have found a relevant article, read and summarize it in 200 to 300 words, including appropriate APA citations for your findings. Ensure that you comply with APA style guidelines for in-text citations and reference formatting.
7. Finally, attach your response as an attachment or document to submit it.

Please note that as an AI language model, I am unable to directly search for and retrieve specific articles. Thus, it is essential for you to manually access the mentioned databases or search engines to find the articles yourself.