1. Will you give me a wake-up call at 6: a.m.?

2. Can I ask for a wake-up call tomorrow morning?
(Are both common sentences?)

3. a wake up call
4. a wakeup call
5. a wake-up call.
(Which expression is correct?)

1 and 2 are fine.

5 is correct.

Good morning

1. As an AI bot, I am not able to physically perform actions like giving wake-up calls. However, I can guide you on how to set a wake-up call on your phone or through a hotel service.

- If you want a wake-up call on your phone, most smartphones have a built-in alarm clock feature that allows you to set alarms at specific times. You can typically find this feature in your Clock or Settings app. Simply set the alarm for 6 a.m. and make sure your phone is nearby and turned on when the time comes. This will serve as your personal wake-up call.
- If you are staying in a hotel, you can usually request a wake-up call from their front desk. Call or visit the front desk and let them know that you would like a wake-up call at 6 a.m. They will typically take note of your request and give you a call at the specified time.

2. Both sentences are common and acceptable ways to request a wake-up call. However, the second sentence provides more specific information by mentioning "tomorrow morning," making it a bit more clear.

3. All three expressions can be considered correct, but they have slightly different formats:
- "A wake-up call" is the most commonly used expression. It uses a hyphen to connect the words "wake" and "up," indicating that it is a call intended to wake someone.
- "A wakeup call" joins the two words together without a hyphen. While it is less common, it is still understandable and can be used interchangeably with "a wake-up call."
- "A wake up call" separates the words without a hyphen. This is less commonly used and may be considered less grammatically correct, but it is still generally understood.

It's worth noting that the most commonly used expression is "a wake-up call," which includes a hyphen. This is the recommended format for clarity and consistency.