
organisers of an
essay competition
decide that a winner
in the competition
gets a prize of Rs
100 and a participant
who does not win
gets a prize of Rs 25.
The total prize
money distributed is
Rs 3,000. Find the
number of winners,
if the total number
of participants is 63.

To find the number of winners in the essay competition, we can set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of winners is 'x.'

According to the given information:
- The winner receives a prize of Rs 100.
- The participant who does not win receives a prize of Rs 25.

So, the total prize money distributed to the winners would be 100x.

The total number of participants in the competition is 63.

The total prize money distributed is Rs 3,000.

So, we can set up the equation:

100x + 25(63 - x) = 3000

Let's solve this equation to find the value of 'x'.

100x + 25(63 - x) = 3000
100x + 1575 - 25x = 3000
75x + 1575 = 3000
75x = 3000 - 1575
75x = 1425
x = 1425 / 75
x = 19

Therefore, the number of winners in the essay competition is 19.