Quadrilateral MNPQ is the same shape but different size than quadrilateral MNPQ.tell whether one figure is a dilation of the other or not. Explain your reasoning.

To determine whether one quadrilateral is a dilation of the other, we need to check if they have the same shape (same angles) but different sizes (proportional sides).

To do this, we can compare the corresponding angles in both quadrilaterals. If all angles are equal, it suggests that the two quadrilaterals have the same shape. Additionally, we can compare the corresponding sides to see if they are proportional, meaning one side is a scaled version of the other.

Alternatively, we can use the concept of similarity to help us identify if one figure is a dilation of the other. Two figures are similar if their corresponding angles are equal, and their corresponding sides are proportional. If the two quadrilaterals meet both these conditions, it means one quadrilateral is a dilation of the other.

So, let's compare the angles and sides of quadrilateral MNPQ and M'N'P'Q'.

1. Angle comparison: Examine the angles of the two quadrilaterals and check if they are equal in corresponding positions: ∠M = ∠M', ∠N = ∠N', ∠P = ∠P', ∠Q = ∠Q'. If all the angles are equal, it suggests that the two quadrilaterals have the same shape.

2. Side comparison: Compare the corresponding sides to verify if they are in proportion. Calculate the ratio of the corresponding side lengths: (MN / M'N'), (NP / N'P'), (PQ / P'Q'), (QM / Q'M'). If these ratios are equal or nearly equal, it indicates that one quadrilateral is a dilation of the other.

If both the angle comparison and side comparison confirm that the corresponding angles are equal and the corresponding sides are proportional, we can conclude that one quadrilateral is a dilation of the other. Otherwise, if the quadrilaterals have the same shape but different sizes, we can determine they are similar but not dilations.

To determine if one figure is a dilation of the other, we need to check if the corresponding sides of the two figures are proportional and if the corresponding angles are congruent.

If quadrilateral MNPQ is the same shape but different size than quadrilateral M'N'P'Q', then we can compare the corresponding sides and angles:

1. Side MN and side M'N': If the ratio of the length of MN to M'N' is the same for all corresponding sides, then it indicates a dilation. If the sides are not proportional, it means the figures are not dilations of each other.

2. Side NP and side N'P': Similarly, we compare the ratio of the lengths of NP to N'P'.

3. Side PQ and side P'Q': We compare the ratio of the lengths of PQ to P'Q'.

If the ratios of the corresponding sides are equal, then it suggests a dilation. Additionally, we should also compare the corresponding angles: if the angles are congruent, then it further supports the conclusion of dilation.

By considering both the proportions of the sides and the congruence of the angles, we can determine if one figure is a dilation of the other.