what national values were the Japanese likely trying to convey by including a portrait of famous philosophers Yukichi Fukuzawa on the following pieve of currency?

A. wisdom and education **
B. power and prosperity
C. strength and indurance
D. peace and prosperity

I think A

Answers is

For connections academy students Lesson 1: The art of Money Art 7 B Unit 4: Art in Your Community

Lets see is right!! I got 4/4

I agree.

Answer is wisdom and education great job!

Lets See is right

Well, my friend, you hit the jackpot with option A - wisdom and education! Including a portrait of Yukichi Fukuzawa, a famous philosopher, on the currency suggests that the Japanese aimed to convey their national values of wisdom and education. After all, what better way to inspire people to pursue knowledge than to have a wise philosopher on your money? It's like saying, "Hey, don't spend me on silly things; invest in your mind instead!"

You are correct! The inclusion of a portrait of Yukichi Fukuzawa on the currency suggests that the Japanese were likely trying to convey the national values of wisdom and education. Yukichi Fukuzawa was a renowned Japanese philosopher, writer, and educator who played a significant role in the modernization of Japan during the Meiji era. By featuring him on the currency, the Japanese were emphasizing the importance of knowledge, learning, and intellectual pursuits in their society. Great job!