How to I determine the sequence of amino acid assembled when given the following +DNA code: CCA, AGT ? I'm asked to give the :-DNA, mRNA, tRNA codes, and also the amino acid.

If I'm not mistaken I know that I must replace "T" thymine for "U" uracil. However I'm not sure what follows. Please help me make sense of this.

To determine the sequence of amino acids assembled from the given DNA code (CCA, AGT), you need to follow the process of transcription and translation. Here are the steps:

1. DNA code: CCA, AGT
- Complementary DNA (cDNA) strand: GGT, TCA (replace each base with its complementary base: A with T, G with C, C with G, and T with A).

2. Transcription:
- DNA is transcribed to form mRNA.
- Replace "T" thymine with "U" uracil in the cDNA strand.
- mRNA code: GGU, UCA (same as cDNA except "T" is replaced with "U").

3. Translation:
- mRNA is translated into amino acids using the genetic code. The genetic code consists of codons, which are sets of three nucleotides that code for specific amino acids.
- Consult a genetic code table to translate the mRNA codons into amino acids. Below is an example:

- mRNA codons: GGU, UCA
- tRNA anticodons: CCA, AGU
- Amino acids: Glycine (GGU) and Serine (UCA)

4. Codes:
- DNA code: CCA, AGT
- -DNA code: GGT, TCA
- mRNA code: GGU, UCA
- tRNA code: CCA, AGU (matches the mRNA code, except "U" is replaced with "T")
- Amino acids: Glycine and Serine

Please note that the amino acid sequence may differ depending on the strand you are using (sense strand or antisense strand). In this example, we assumed you were using the sense strand.

To determine the sequence of amino acids assembled from a given DNA code, you need to translate the DNA sequence into mRNA and then into the corresponding amino acids using the genetic code. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

1. First, convert the DNA code to its complementary strand. In DNA, adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T), and cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G). So, the complementary strand of DNA for CCA is GGT, and for AGT, it is TCA.

2. Next, transcribe the DNA sequence into mRNA by replacing thymine (T) with uracil (U). So, for the DNA sequence CCA, the mRNA sequence would be GGU, and for AGT, it would be UCA.

3. Now, we can determine the corresponding tRNA anticodon for each mRNA codon. For this, we use the "complementary codon" rule. In mRNA, adenine (A) pairs with uracil (U), cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G), guanine (G) pairs with cytosine (C), and uracil (U) pairs with adenine (A). Thus, the tRNA anticodon is the complementary sequence to the mRNA codon.

- For the mRNA codon GGU, the tRNA anticodon would be CCU.
- For the mRNA codon UCA, the tRNA anticodon would be AGA.

4. Lastly, using the genetic code, you can determine the corresponding amino acid for each mRNA codon. Here are the codons and their respective amino acids:

- GGU: Glycine (Gly)
- UCA: Serine (Ser)

So the final answer is as follows:

- DNA code: CCA, AGT
- Complementary DNA (-DNA) code: GGT, TCA
- mRNA code: GGU, UCA
- tRNA code: CCU, AGA
- Amino acids: Glycine (Gly), Serine (Ser)

Remember that the genetic code is universal, meaning the codons and the corresponding amino acids remain the same across different organisms.