Please make a question

1. In 1982 it was a fishing village with two main roads, fields, and a population of 3 million. It is growing at an incredible speed
(make a question with sentence "it is growing at an incredible speed ")

2. China is changing. It is no longer a country where absolutly everything is owned and controlled by state developers are welcome. Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese leader, said in 1992 " to get rich is glorious". The old China of bicycles and little red books is disappearing. A world of mobile phone and capilalism is arriving.
(make a question with sentence " a world of mobile phone and capitalism is arriving)

3. The Chinese people seem to welcome dramatic change.
(make a question with "who question")

4. Shenzhen is a shoking place, like nowhere elseon earth that i have ever seen.
(make a question with sentence " i have ever seen")

5. The new Hopewell Highway runs from Shenzhen to Guangzhou.
(make a question with " where question")

6. So the traffic will be like in Bangkok, where people spend four hours commuting every day.
(make a question)

7. Pearl River City very nearly exist.
(make a question with "who question")

Please help me.. Thank you

1. Why is it growing at an incredible speed?

(How can a city of 3 million be called a village?)

2. Do most people want a world of capitalism and cell phones?

3. Who welcomes the change the most?

You can try the rest of this assignment.

1. How is the population of the fishing village in 1982 growing?

To answer this question, you would need information on the current population of the fishing village and compare it to the population in 1982. If the current population is significantly higher, then you can conclude that it is growing at an incredible speed.

2. What changes are occurring in China?
To answer this question, you would need information on the transformation happening in China towards a world of mobile phones and capitalism. You can look for news articles, research papers, or documentaries that discuss the economic and technological developments in China.

3. Who seems to welcome dramatic change in China?
To answer this question, you would need to identify the group or the people in China who embrace or show support for significant changes happening in their country. This can be determined through surveys, interviews, or studying public opinion in China.

4. What is a place that the speaker finds shocking and unlike anywhere else on earth?
To answer this question, you would need to identify the location or place that the speaker is referring to. This can be Shenzhen or any other place that matches the description given by the speaker. You can use descriptive language or ask for context to determine the specific place.

5. Where does the new Hopewell Highway run from and to?
To answer this question, you would need information on the starting and ending points of the new Hopewell Highway. This can be obtained from transportation maps, official websites, or travel guides that include the route information.

6. How will the traffic be similar to Bangkok?
To answer this question, you would need information on the commuting situation in Bangkok, such as the average daily commute time. Then, you would assess whether the traffic in the given location is expected to be similar based on the comparison made by the speaker.

7. Who is involved in the creation of Pearl River City?
To answer this question, you would need to identify the individuals or organizations responsible for the development or creation of Pearl River City. This information can be found through research on urban planning projects, government initiatives, or developer announcements.