Ty is reading a book that is 456 pages. In the last 11 days, he has read 264 pages.

If Ty continues to read at the same rate, write an equation that represents the relationship between the number of pages, p, Ty reads over time, t.



is that right?

well i found it, i guess its 456=24t+264, as it gives t=8

264 / 11 = 24 pages a day.

456 - 264 = 192 pages left

192 / 24 = 8 days

the answer is p=24t

To find the relationship between the number of pages Ty reads over time, we can use the information given. We know that in the last 11 days, Ty has read 264 pages. Let's assume that Ty reads at a constant rate, so he reads the same number of pages each day. Let's represent the number of pages Ty reads each day as r.

The total number of pages Ty has read in the last 11 days can be calculated as:

Total pages = r * number of days

So, we have:

264 = r * 11

To represent the relationship between the number of pages (p) Ty reads over time (t), we can use the equation:

p = r * t

This equation states that the number of pages Ty reads (p) is equal to the rate at which he reads (r) multiplied by the time (t) in days.