The point (3,-1) is translated to the left 4 units and up 1 unit.write a rule to describe the translation.what are the coordinates of the image point?

A) (x,y)->(x+4,y+1);(7,-2)
B) (x,y)->(x-4,y-1);(-1,0)
C) (x,y)->(x+4,y-1);(7,0)
D) (x,y)->(x-4,y+1);(-1,0) ••

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A square on a coordinate plane is translated 9 units down and 1 unit to the right. Which function rule describes the translation?

The correct answer is option D) (x,y)->(x-4,y+1);(-1,0).

The rule for the translation described in the question is to move the point 4 units to the left (subtract 4 from the x-coordinate) and 1 unit up (add 1 to the y-coordinate).

Applying this rule to the original point (3,-1), we get:
(3-4, -1+1) = (-1, 0)

So, the coordinates of the image point after the translation are (-1, 0), which matches option D) (x,y)->(x-4,y+1);(-1,0).

To describe the translation, we need to determine the rule for how the coordinates of the point (3, -1) change after the translation.

In this case, the point is translated to the left 4 units and up 1 unit.

To translate the point to the left 4 units, we subtract 4 from the x-coordinate.

To translate the point up 1 unit, we add 1 to the y-coordinate.

So, the rule to describe the translation is:

(x, y) -> (x - 4, y + 1)

Now, let's find the coordinates of the image point after applying this rule to the given point (3, -1).

We substitute the x-coordinate of the given point into the rule:

x - 4 = 3 - 4 = -1

Then, we substitute the y-coordinate of the given point into the rule:

y + 1 = -1 + 1 = 0

Therefore, the coordinates of the image point are (-1, 0).

Correct answer: B) (x, y) -> (x - 4, y - 1); (-1, 0)