A isosceles triangle has two angels that measure 75. What is the measure of the third angle of the triangle?





Actually your wrong, it's A.30 because I got it wrong and it says 30.

Hi!! Is right , the answer if u r in connexus it’s 30


it's right

actually its 30 lol i know this is from like 5 years ago tho so

To find the measure of the third angle of an isosceles triangle, we need to know that an isosceles triangle has two equal angles. In this case, we know that the two equal angles measure 75 each.

Since we have two angles measuring 75 degrees each, to find the measure of the third angle, we need to subtract the sum of the two equal angles from 180 degrees (the total sum of the angles in a triangle).

Let's calculate it:
180 degrees - (75 degrees + 75 degrees) = 180 degrees - 150 degrees = 30 degrees

So, the measure of the third angle of the isosceles triangle is 30 degrees.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A) 30

Your right