An image displaying a pie chart without any text. The pie chart has four differently colored sectors. The first sector represents 37.5% and visualizes a plate full of various types of food. The second sector represents 28.75% and portrays a detailed mini version of a home indicating rent. The third sector represents 15% and features a stack of books. The remaining sector showcases an open-ended question mark indicating the remaining money spent on other stuff.

A student spends 37.5% of his money on food 28.75%on rent and 15% on books. what percentage what percentage of her money is left to spend on other things



To find out what percentage of the student's money is left to spend on other things, we can subtract the percentages spent on food, rent, and books from 100%.

Here's how we can calculate it step by step:

1. Add up the percentages spent on food, rent, and books:
37.5% + 28.75% + 15% = 81.25%.

2. Subtract the sum from 100% to find the percentage of money left to spend on other things:
100% - 81.25% = 18.75%.

Therefore, the student has 18.75% of his money left to spend on other things.

Add the percentages and subtract from 100%.

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