What quailities of an oral presentation are most important to you as an audience member? Explain your answer.

eye contact, standing still, no distracting movements (hand guestures good if used effectively), don't just read speech, loud and clear voice, etc

These articles might help:


I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

As an audience member, there are several qualities of an oral presentation that are important to me. First and foremost, eye contact is crucial. It shows that the speaker is engaged with the audience and values their presence. When a presenter maintains eye contact, it helps establish a connection and makes me feel more involved in the presentation.

Another important quality is standing still and minimizing distracting movements. Excessive fidgeting or pacing can divert attention away from the content of the presentation. However, purposeful and effective use of hand gestures can be beneficial, as they can help emphasize key points and contribute to the overall delivery. It's important for the gestures to be intentional and not distracting.

Additionally, it is important that the presenter does not rely on reading directly from a script. While notes can be helpful to stay on track, constantly reading from a script can make the presentation feel monotone and less engaging. Instead, the speaker should try to speak naturally and authentically, conveying their knowledge and passion about the topic.

Furthermore, having a loud and clear voice is crucial for effective oral presentations. A presenter should speak at a volume that is easily audible to the entire audience, without being too soft or too loud. Clear pronunciation and enunciation are also important, as they ensure that the audience can easily understand the speaker's message.

To further explore and understand the qualities that are important in an oral presentation, I suggest reading the articles provided. They can provide more in-depth insights and tips on effective communication techniques during presentations.

Overall, as an audience member, I value eye contact, stillness, minimal distracting movements, natural delivery, and a strong, clear voice in an oral presentation. These qualities contribute to a more engaging and effective presentation that holds my attention and allows me to absorb the information being conveyed.