Phillip wants to estimate how many words are in a book he is reading for class. He counts the words on 21 pages, and he finds the mean word count is 311 words per page. There are 196 pages in the book. Which is the best estimate for the total number of words in the book? Explain your answer.


surely it is 311*196=60956

or, as an estimate, 300*200 = 60,000

I guess their estimate is based on the average number of words per page. So, 60956 is close to 61,000.

To estimate the total number of words in the book, we can find the average word count per page and then multiply it by the total number of pages in the book.

Given that Phillip counted the words on 21 pages and found that the mean word count is 311 words per page, we can use this value as an estimate for the average word count per page in the entire book.

To find the estimate for the total number of words in the book, we multiply the average word count per page (311 words) by the total number of pages in the book (196 pages).

Therefore, the best estimate for the total number of words in the book is:

311 words per page * 196 pages = 60,956 words

Looking at the answer choices, the closest estimate to 60,956 would be option C) 61,000.

So C)61,000 is the best estimate for the total number of words in the book.
