Rashid picks 420 strawberries in 5/6 hour. Write and solve an equation to find how many strawberries can she pick in the space of an hour?

I'm not good with word problems, and am completely lost. I can do everything except the equation (I think). Please help!

just use a simple ratio

x/420 = 1/(5/6) = 6/5
5x = 2520
x = 504

No worries! I can help you with that.

Let's assume that the number of strawberries Rashid can pick in one hour is represented by "x".

We are given that Rashid picks 420 strawberries in 5/6 hour.

To find how many strawberries she can pick in one hour, we need to find the unit rate (strawberries per hour). We can set up a proportion to solve for "x".

Since we know that Rashid picks 420 strawberries in 5/6 hour, we can set up the following proportion:

420 strawberries / (5/6) hour = x strawberries / 1 hour

To solve for "x", we can cross-multiply:

420 strawberries * 1 hour = (5/6) hour * x strawberries

Now, simplify and solve for "x":

x = (420 strawberries * 1 hour) / (5/6) hour

To simplify the fraction in the denominator, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by the reciprocal of (5/6), which is 6/5:

x = (420 strawberries * 1 hour) * (6/5 hour)

Now, calculate the result:

x = (420 * 1 * 6) / (5 * 1)
x = 2520 strawberries / 5
x = 504 strawberries

Therefore, Rashid can pick 504 strawberries in one hour.

To solve this problem, we need to set up an equation to relate the number of strawberries picked to the time taken.

First, let's define the quantity we need to find: the number of strawberries picked in one hour. Let's call this quantity "x".

We are given that Rashid picks 420 strawberries in 5/6 hour. From this information, we can say that the rate at which Rashid picks strawberries is 420 strawberries divided by 5/6 hour:

Rate = 420 strawberries / (5/6 hour)

Now, we want to find the rate per hour, so we need to divide this rate by the time taken. Since we want to find the number of strawberries picked in one hour, the time taken is 1 hour:

Rate per hour = (420 strawberries / (5/6 hour)) ÷ 1 hour

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal:

Rate per hour = (420 strawberries / (5/6 hour)) × (6/5)

Simplifying this expression, we get:

Rate per hour = (420 strawberries × 6) / (5/6) hour

Now, we can multiply the numerators and divide by the denominator:

Rate per hour = (2520 strawberries) / (5/6) hour

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal:

Rate per hour = (2520 strawberries) × (6/5) hour

Simplifying this expression, we get:

Rate per hour = 3024 strawberries in one hour

Therefore, Rashid can pick 3024 strawberries in one hour.