What is the simple subject and simple predicate of this sentence?

The students in my class made custard.

I think it is students for the simple subject and made for the simple predicate is this correct?

You are absolutely right! Good work.

Thank you very much.

Yes, you are correct. In the sentence "The students in my class made custard," the simple subject is "students" because it is the noun that the sentence is primarily about. The simple predicate, or the main action of the subject, is "made" because it tells what the students did.

Yes, you are correct! In the sentence "The students in my class made custard," the simple subject is "students," as it is the noun that performs the action or is being described. The simple predicate is "made," as it is the verb that shows the action performed by the subject.

To identify the simple subject and simple predicate of a sentence, you can follow these steps:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence, which is the noun or pronoun that the sentence is about.
2. Determine the verb that describes the action performed by the subject. This is the predicate of the sentence.
3. Once you have identified the subject and predicate, you can then identify the simple subject and simple predicate within those.

In this case, "students" is the subject of the sentence, and "made" is the verb that describes the action, making it the predicate.